Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vet Records

Of course, those who support Beady Singer and Cold Noses Warm Beds always have the same defense. She loves dogs. She'd do anything to help dogs. And there is no way that she could profit from these dogs. Right? Because, vetting costs money, and she vets the dogs, right?

Well, it might be true that she vets the dogs. At least some of the dogs. But then there are others that she doesn't vet. True, right Beady? I mean, we know that you adopted out Tiny and Pepe and one of them had to have surgery the next day. We've heard of many adopters in this sort of situation...adopting dogs from CNWB only to end up having a sick dog and big vet bills on their hands.

Damn those pesky vet bills....they really do get in the way of a rescue making good money. I mean, imagine the cash that could be saved if you could just snap your fingers and *POOF*, have vet bills written up without the hassle of visiting the vet! Wouldn't that be a dream? Of course, the dogs wouldn't have recieved proper care, but at least money would be saved!

Now, what do we have here? These are vet records for 2 different dogs, both adopted out by Beady Singer at Cold Noses Warm Beds. Let's have a run down, shall we? First off, we have a Dr. Jenkin who filled out a form from Kelowna Vet Hospital. Dr Jenkin vaccinated Sally on March 16th/09.

Then we have another vet, across town at Okanagan Vet Hospital who vaccinated Molly on March 16th. What's really amazing is that this vet also has the name Dr Jenkin!!! What a weird coincidence! Two vets, in the same town, with the same name. Vaccinating dogs for the same owner on the same day?

I thought that this was so neat, I called Kelowna Vet Hospital. Guess what? There is no Dr Jenkin that works there! I also checked the website for Okanagan Vet Hospital, and Dr Jenkin doesn't work there, either!

Weird, too, how the handwriting is the same and person who filled it out seemed to forget the address of Kelowna Vet Hospital and just wrote in the address on Sexsmith Road of Okanagan Vet Hopspital.

But WHO IS THAT VET? The mystery vet who does not exist! Dr Jenkin, who are you?

What's really funny, and I point this out for your own amusement only, I certainly wouldn't be implying that Beady Singer herself forged vet documents or anything, but check out how similar, how almost exactly the same Beady's handwriting is to the mystery vet Dr Jenkin!

Weird, hey? I mean, again, I certainly wouldn't accuse Beady of forging vet documents...because she really loves these dogs and doesn't profit off of them. But if I were you, and I adopted from CNWB, I'd be going over my vet records, just for kicks!!!

I wonder how the vet clinics will feel when I email them this link in the morning......

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Official Statement

This is meant to be an official statement to clear up some of the questions and concerns from those of you wondering why the video was created in the first place. What was our motivation? Why was the video made and who are we?

First of all, I am NOT the person who filmed the original video or put it together. I did upload it onto the internet and have been involved first hand with this since the start. I DO NOT SPEAK FOR ANYONE OTHER THAN MYSELF. I did create the videos "Where is the truth?", the one about Evan the bait dog and the video showing proof that Toby and Keeper are no longer in Beady's care.

First, why did I get involved? Beady often claims that the rescue community are full of backstabbing women who love to hate her because of her "success". This is not true. While I'm sure there are politics within the rescue community, for the most part we all work towards common goals and have similar ethics and code of conduct. We do home checks for a reason, we screen homes for a reason. We call references, fill out extensive paper work, work tirelessly to find the right home for the right animal. Beginning with that, many people have had issue with Beady's practices as she does not do these things as a general rule. While she does claim to do so on her website and very few people have come forward saying that they had home checks done when they adopted a dog, many rescuers feel that it should be done EVERY TIME A DOG IS ADOPTED OUT. Home checks are only just the tip of the ice burg. Every effort should be made to ensure that the dog is ending up in the best home possible. If you are selling dogs with no regard to their safety, you are not "rescuing". Bottom line.

It became my opinion that Beady was taking advantage of emotions and the "rescue" moniker to make money from selling dogs. Essentially a "dog broker". I have no problem with people making money in this business, but I do take the welfare of the dogs very seriously. When Pepe and Tiny were purchased, with no home check done, no name check, no references, nothing, I began to fear for the dogs in Beady's care. "Lorraine" claimed the dogs were for an elderly man for a surprise birthday gift. This should have been a red flag to Beady right there that the dogs may not be heading to the best home. She knew full well that this was the case and she knew full well that she was being filmed.

From there, we all wanted to see this stop. We now had proof that the dogs were being sold to just anyone and that the dogs were not in the best of health (one of the dogs required surgery the day after leaving Beady's care totalling $900).

Why am I keeping my name a secret? Because, quite frankly, the people involved scare me. I am not afraid of legal action, nothing illegal has been done and I state only facts. I feel I am safer and my family is safer if I am anonymous. Beady has asked "Lorraine" and all of us to step forward, she wants our "real name, address and contact information so I can sue your silly ass". I must say, there is nothing she can sue us for and if she had handled the process from the beginning the way she claims to operate her rescue, she'd have our real names, addresses and phone numbers.

I have been more than willing to address any questions that anyone might have about this entire process...if you have anything to ask please do so on the comments and I will accommodate.

Beady claims on facebook "I have met with the lawyers and the police about death threats and I've dealt with people trying to hack into our 'pay-pal' account as well as phoning my son's daycare asking to speak to my son, Dane about his mom's dog rescue." Now, I'll say right off the bat that neither myself or any of the people directly involved in this video have made death threats, hacked into paypal, called her son's daycare. If it is true that there are people conducting themselves that way, I urge them to stop. While Beady has a great many enemies, it serves no purpose to act that way. Please go through the proper channels to have Beady stopped. Consider calling the BBB with complaints, call the SPCA regarding information on the health of her dogs...whatever you have to do so that you are not stooping to that level.

Speaking of the proper channels, everything is being dealt with right now and there is more coming. This process is taking time and there are a lot of people coming forward with proof their own bad experiences. This is certainly not the last that anyone involved will hear from the authorities.

Beady's common complaints are that the SPCA is happy with her, but this, and you know it Sparky, is NOT true. Their hands may be tied but they are on to you like everyone else. Would they be happy to hear that you blamed them online for killing your beloved little Annie? The dog with mange who you said had acid burns? And then on facebook you claimed that it "looked different than mange scabs", is that why you made up the acid story? And then Curt blames the SPCA for her death, the night that they were at your house? Are you finished saying that you work for the SPCA? For Best Friends? This was never true, was it? Signing your name in emails with the Best Friends logo must have helped impress people, but they are informed about you now.

And now I hear you are back to blaming acid, and have proof that it was? I bet this would come as a shock to the vet who checked Annie out and originally diagnosed her with mange.

Also, to address that Beady is not making money off of this rescue. Let's all take a look at this, shall we? Many of the dogs that Beady brings up from the U.S. are pulled from the shelter. They are pulled for free and some for as cheap as $5. They are vetted, often spayed/neutered, microchipped and flown to Canada for free, paid for by well meaning rescuers in the States. From there, Beady sells them for $400, often days after receiving them and for a total profit on her behalf. She also pulls dogs with "medical sponsorships", dogs who are in the shelter with donations, so if a rescue group pulls the dog, they receive the sponsorship for the dog. Again, with most of the vetting done in the States at the shelters, this money is cash in hand. While I do not question the vet bills that Beady has in Canada for the dogs that she DOES decide to vet, the thousands of dollars that she is making is not all going to vet the math!

When you tell lies, it's just a matter of time until it comes back to bite you in the ass. Karma works in mysterious ways. I bet when you sold Toby, Evan and Keeper in the parking lot you thought that they would drift off and you had money in your pocket. I bet you thought that you'd never hear about them again, right? You must have guessed you were in the clear when you got home that same day and posted on facebook that you loved having your "loveabulls" and implied you still owned Toby and Keeper. Everyone was counting on you to keep those dogs, right? Thank God they are in the right hands. Did you REALLY think that adopting out a run down, weak, aggressive dog like Evan 1 week after bringing him to Canada was a good idea? Is it really your idea of rescue to adopt a dog like that out without KNOWING where he was going?

You were duped before by "Lorraine". Thank God Evan ended up in the right hands rather you being duped by a dog fighter. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I do NOT judge people for re-homing their dogs. But I do judge a rescue, who should know better, for selling 3 pit bulls in a parking lot to unknown women.

This is Beady's facebook post
"The above picture was taken the day that I finished chemo and radiation for stage III colo-rectal cancer. My kids were young and I was a single mom and I was not in a good place at the time. I had to move forward and I decided that I needed to be there for my kids. I sucked it up and I put my 'big girl panties' on and I knew deep down that I needed to do good by them. I needed them to know that even if I only had today, I would do it right.

It is an incredible thing to live through not knowing if you have tomorrow for the people that you love. You want to do it right. You want to have something, anything to show your kids that you did good by them. You want something for them to look back on and see that yup, you did good.

Dane was only a few years old when I saw his love for animals and I decided to do right by that no matter how much time I had to devote to it. If you didn't know if you had tomorrow, you would do anything in your power to squeeze it all into today.

I started CNWB to help me live my life through the eyes and heart of my son and immediately knew that I was also doing it for me too.

The last few weeks have been absolute hell. I see myself and my son portrayed in a light I never asked to be a part of and a way that makes me seem like I am something that I am not.

I used to drag strays home when I was a kid and I would NEVER leave a dog wallowing in pain on the side of a street. It is not who I am and it is surely not part of the cloth I am or the cloth that I want to leave my kids to see everyday who they thought that I was.

A video is circulating around and for the last week I've said nothing. Anyone can take a video and have it portrayed anyway that they like. I cannot stop this. What does one say to something like that? It was way easier to just say nothing and pull the covers over my face and let the cards fall where they may. People that love you and understand what you are really made of will surely stand by you and they have without a doubt.

I drive a 1991 Toyota Paseo and I have not ONCE lived off of the backs of the dogs that I choose to have come through this rescue. I leave in the morning with my son in my car and he asks, "Are we doing a home-check or are we picking up a dog?"

A month ago, I received word that my cancer may be back and of course, people were there to egg me on and try and trap me into a situation that on the surface, appears to make what I am trying to do, appear tainted.

I have met with the lawyers and the police about death threats and I've dealt with people trying to hack into our 'pay-pal' account as well as phoning my son's daycare asking to speak to my son, Dane about his mom's dog rescue.

The police are now working with getting restraining orders and 'cease and desist' orders with people in other rescues and I have finally gotten over it and am now ready to get on with what I do.

I have received an email tonight from the anonymous 'video' taper asking what it would take to buy the rest of the dogs in my rescue to shut me down.

How does one respond to that?

The little kid inside of me wants:

-2 puppy dog pez dispensers
-10 cheese buns
-the book "How to win friends and influence people"
and finally, your real name, address and contact information so I can sue your silly ass for what you are trying to accomplish here.

If you don't like me, so be it. Hate me. I could give a flying 'f***k. Call the SPCA. Oh wait, you've done that. They found NOTHING.

Stand up to the plate and call me with a real number that I can call. Come into my vet and see the almost $50,000.00 I have spent in vetting dogs. Yup, I've lost a few along the way but any rescue will if they are doing it right and if they are doing it with their heart.

If anyone wants to know what I'm made of, stand up and just ask. Don't sit there and throw punches behind a wall if it's really about the dogs. Wouldn't someone who thought a dog was really being abused, report me instead of putting out silly, edited videos trying to prove their point?

I started this rescue to do good by my son who loved dogs and I'm not stopping anytime soon.

The 'big girl' panties are firmly in place and although things have changed, this rescue will however keep going.

If you have something 'evil' to say to me, please PM or contact me at I don't need my kids to see this crap anymore. You will be deleted from this account.

Please fight your fight with me but do NOT include my kids anymore. Enough is enough."
I will end this blog post by saying that her kids have not been brought into this by us, the video was edited for time but the raw footage was posted on the internet for all to see, while I'm sorry you have history with cancer that has nothing to do with your ability to conduct a "rescue" for what it should be.

As for your statement "If anyone wants to know what I'm made of, stand up and just ask". I'm afraid we've all seen what you are made of...