Well, it might be true that she vets the dogs. At least some of the dogs. But then there are others that she doesn't vet. True, right Beady? I mean, we know that you adopted out Tiny and Pepe and one of them had to have surgery the next day. We've heard of many adopters in this sort of situation...adopting dogs from CNWB only to end up having a sick dog and big vet bills on their hands.
Damn those pesky vet bills....they really do get in the way of a rescue making good money. I mean, imagine the cash that could be saved if you could just snap your fingers and *POOF*, have vet bills written up without the hassle of visiting the vet! Wouldn't that be a dream? Of course, the dogs wouldn't have recieved proper care, but at least money would be saved!
Now, what do we have here? These are vet records for 2 different dogs, both adopted out by Beady Singer at Cold Noses Warm Beds. Let's have a run down, shall we? First off, we have a Dr. Jenkin who filled out a form from Kelowna Vet Hospital. Dr Jenkin vaccinated Sally on March 16th/09.
Then we have another vet, across town at Okanagan Vet Hospital who vaccinated Molly on March 16th. What's really amazing is that this vet also has the name Dr Jenkin!!! What a weird coincidence! Two vets, in the same town, with the same name. Vaccinating dogs for the same owner on the same day?
I thought that this was so neat, I called Kelowna Vet Hospital. Guess what? There is no Dr Jenkin that works there! I also checked the website for Okanagan Vet Hospital, and Dr Jenkin doesn't work there, either!
Weird, too, how the handwriting is the same and person who filled it out seemed to forget the address of Kelowna Vet Hospital and just wrote in the address on Sexsmith Road of Okanagan Vet Hopspital.
But WHO IS THAT VET? The mystery vet who does not exist! Dr Jenkin, who are you?
What's really funny, and I point this out for your own amusement only, I certainly wouldn't be implying that Beady Singer herself forged vet documents or anything, but check out how similar, how almost exactly the same Beady's handwriting is to the mystery vet Dr Jenkin!

Weird, hey? I mean, again, I certainly wouldn't accuse Beady of forging vet documents...because she really loves these dogs and doesn't profit off of them. But if I were you, and I adopted from CNWB, I'd be going over my vet records, just for kicks!!!
I wonder how the vet clinics will feel when I email them this link in the morning......